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Spanish open dictionary

Welcome to the largest Spanish educational and research project on the Internet. This open and editable dictionary aims to offer a tool where, on the one hand, users broaden knowledge about the different meanings that each of the words and expressions of Spanish can adopt. And, on the other hand, give the same community the ability to expand the database with new words, unknown or unregistered, or expand the different meanings that can adopt the existing words. For identical words and according to which country of the world we move, it is very frequent to find completely different uses, that is why, once the official definition is mentioned, the dictionary allows users to expand it with new meanings or nuances. In short, a dictionary edited by users and for users. Daily among all the meanings uploaded by users will select one of them as word, expression or theme of the day. This meaning will appear on the home page just after this presentation for at least 24 hours. Finally, we have made the project extensible to words from other languages ??or disciplines, you can access these dictionaries through the drop-down that appears next to the search box and the operation is identical to the main dictionary. Hoping that the use of the dictionary is to his liking we say goodbye.

Spanish Working Group

How has the dictionary evolved?

First of all, we want to thank all the collaborators for their help, since without them and them this project would not be possible. Since the ship sailed there in 2010 we have received a total of 182,975 Contributions to define 123,152 different words or expressions that have consulted more than 100,000 readers and have directly helped 49 people who asked the dictionary for a word that was not Registered therein.

Meaning of the day

Pedro Murillo Image
Pedro Murillo


A word derived from Noise that denotes that a lot is done with it.


New Meanings collected in the dictionary

Felipe Lorenzo del Río Image
Felipe Lorenzo del Río


A unit of volume that scientists use in their experiments, in laboratory studies such as DNA and others, because it is one millionth of a liter (?l). These excessively small numbers as well as extremely large ones are beyond our imaginative capacity.

Andrés Rodríguez Becerra Image
Andrés Rodríguez Becerra


Agricultural fumigation utensil (tank, straps and doser) that the field worker puts on his back like a backpack, being able to take its contents to hard-to-reach crop areas. Its use is common in Colombia, especially in the mountainous region known as the Eje Cafetero, which comprises the Departments of Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, Tolima, Huila, and Valle del Cauca. The cacorra is also used in other regions of Colombia and South American countries, but it is usually referred to by other names. Some synonyms, words or similar expressions may be fumigator 40 , to 41 ,

furoya Image

persona patetica

See person, pathetic.

furoya Image

informacion analitica

Error for information and the feminine of analytical.

furoya Image

disyuntiva de popper inc

See the already published "Popper's dilemma", Inc. INC.

furoya Image

quien te hecho ficha

See who, who, you, done, verbs/cast, token, "put tokens". If it was meant to be a locution, it is badly written. See who, who, you, done, verbs/cast, token, "put tokens".

See more

More active partners...

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez    1
    Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez
furoya    2
John Rene Plaut    4
    John Rene Plaut
Alfredo Edgardo Alvarez Ahumada    5
    Alfredo Edgardo Alvarez Ahumada
Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz    6
    Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz
Jimeno Álvarez    7
    Jimeno Álvarez
Liliana López    8
    Liliana López
Felipe Lorenzo del Río    9
    Felipe Lorenzo del Río
Margarito Cázares Guerrero    10
    Margarito Cázares Guerrero

See full list of contributors...

Most Valuable Meanings...

1microlitroFelipe Lorenzo del Río0
2cacorraAndrés Rodríguez Becerra0
3persona pateticafuroya0
4informacion analiticafuroya0
5disyuntiva de popper incfuroya0
6quien te hecho fichafuroya0
7menos lobos caperucitafuroya0
8castaña de cajufuroya0
9juridisidad socialfuroya0
10charnela de un arbolfuroya0

Most viewed Meanings...

3hipospadiasFelipe Lorenzo del Río21
8scheelitaDanilo Enrique Noreña Benítez18
9uzbekistánDanilo Enrique Noreña Benítez17

User help requests

Below is a list of words or expressions expressly requested by other users. If you want to help these users of the dictionary and you know the meaning of any of them just click on the link and complete the other meanings form. Once the response is approved, the system will notify the user that the request for help is sent by email.

View this list of pending requests..

Words or expressions pending to assign a Meaning

Below is a list of words or phrases that have been searched by anonymous users and we have not been able to offer a meaning. If you want to help these users and you know the meaning of any of them you just have to click on the link and fill out the form. Thousands of users who consult the dictionary will thank you.

View this list of pending requests..

What is the meaning of spanish in the Spanish open dictionary

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