BAGUIOS possible mistake by BAGUIO a mountainous place on the island of Luzon, in the Philippines, with universities and resorts. Called the "City of Pines" it is popular in summer because it has a particularly cool climate. Another possibility is that it meant VAHIDO, a temporary loss of balance, feeling faint.
EUROCRITICAL person of the EC parliament who is critical of that community. In parliament there are 3 distinct groups: Europhobes, Eurocritics and Eurosceptics. Eurocritical Europe seeks to tear down walls governed by international law, respecting the Geneva Convention, the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocol 4, as well as the directives that the European Union has given itself.
SPORTS pl . Sport sport in English Colloquially is used to indicate a person who responds chivalrously to a defeat, challenge or similar situation. 2 . Use a distinctive element: Hercules Poirot sported a nice moustache 3 . Acting energetically: They sported gracefully in the water 4 . Casual clothing style: Sport dress, but elegant.
ALLEGRISMO Quality of cheerful, as far as musical composition is concerned. The allegro is a musical time with which music is composed, which corresponds to 110 to 168 beats per minute. Other authors limit it to 156 bpm. The most intense time within this category is the MOLTO ALLEGRO, in the range of 132 to 168 bpm and its study can be nominated as Moltoallegrismo.