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Meaning of usease

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


otherworldly is incorrectly written, and should be written as "Or is" being its meaning:
It is a wrong way of saying " or " It is used by farmers in the center of Colombia, especially in the cundi-boyacense plateau.


Felipe Lorenzo del Río Image
Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Otherworldly: Linguistic deformation of osear is this o is and this o is equivalent to is saying, this is. This expression that the dictionary does not recognize has been and is very used by traditional locals when they want to do the funny or interesting with the comic attitude of Madriz. Also used in many other parts of Spain in the same way. Madrid, otherworldly of Madriz, is he that is born, lives, or tapea in the madriles without distinction as to race, sex, religion, language or Rh.


What is the meaning of usease in the Spanish open dictionary

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