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Meaning of teclas

furoya Image


Plural of key, in its many meanings. [Note: the definition of Cayetano Peláez del Rosal actually comes from a Valencian voice for "difficulty, almost always neurotic disease (hyperactive, hypochondriac)", which has its singular. See "be a key". ]


Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

Key plural . Pieces of some musical instruments that are pressed with the fingers with the intention of producing a certain sound. Part of some mechanisms or some machines, which are pressed with the fingers in order to produce an effect or to write a number, symbol or a letter. Keyboard.


Cayetano Peláez del Rosal Image
Cayetano Peláez del Rosal

Person who touches everything


What is the meaning of teclas in the Spanish open dictionary

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