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Meaning of robo hormiga

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

robo hormiga

It is the continued theft and small-scale. It is given in chain stores and stolen daily garment by garment or article-by-article.


Anónimo Image

Type of theft that is made in small quantities, over time, to not draw attention to the total of the loot. Compared to the work of the ants, which cut sheets or bodies of prey in small parts for transferring them to the mound. See: http: //www. meaning. org/smuggling Ant. htm


Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz Image
Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz

Ant theft: It is a form of theft in which several robbers entering a store with the apparent intention of buying, but while some distract to sellers, others are responsible for stealing goods from the shelves or cabinets. To not arouse suspicion thieves enter the store by sepado.


What is the meaning of robo hormiga in the Spanish open dictionary

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