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Meaning of rabdomiolisis

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


It is a term used in medicine. It is usually a generalized breakdown of muscle tissue caused by trauma, crushing, exaggerated overexertion or excessive cold. It is caused by the excessive arrival of the protein called myoglobin into the bloodstream.


Felipe Lorenzo del Río Image
Felipe Lorenzo del Río

Disease characterized by muscle necrosis produced by different causes by releasing the blood cellular substances such as protein Myoglobin or creatine phosphokinase. Cell damage can be caused by lesions crush of earthquake or bombing, physical exhaustion, infections, intoxication by drugs or alkaloids and the usual consequence, renal injury and acute renal failure. In the Bible a description of this syndrome is made during the exodus from Egypt when the Jews ate quail in large quantities in the desert. Greek etymology: rabdos rabdou: baton, knurled shank, mys myos: mouse, muscle and lysis lyseos: action of unleashing, releasing, dissolution: dissolution of the muscle cells.


What is the meaning of rabdomiolisis in the Spanish open dictionary

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