GLYPHOSATE amino acid formula C3H8NO5P broad spectrum herbicide, removes herbs and shrubs, especially perennials. It is absorbed by the leaves and not by the roots. It is applied to leaves, but can also be injected into logs and stems, or pulverized to studs as a forest herbicide. Some synonyms, words or similar expressions may be 2 acetic acid, n isopropylamine salt, phosphonometyl
It is the name of a very toxic agrochemical product (herbicide) that is sold in an uncontrolled way in the specialized stores of this sector. The most used agrochemical in the world. It is a product of post-emergent application and systemic action (i.e. by absorption of foliage). It is a toxic, abortive, teratogenic, carcinogenic and residual-acting product. It initially generates skin irritations, vomiting, dizziness, nausea and hypertension. It is not selective so it affects all types of crops and can affect livestock and wildlife. It is sold and applied without the proper formulation of an agronomist as it should be . In Colombia it is presented with the trade names of Round Up (originally from Monsanto, currently it is from Bayer), which is the most used and known, but it is also sold as Glyphosate Vecol 480 SL, Touchdown 620 (Syngenta) and other trade names of other commercial companies such as Bronco, Rodeo. Glycine Glifonox, etc. Chemically it is N-phosphonometylglycine, C3H8NO5P, CAS 1071-83-6. Colombia has just approved the fumigation of illicit crops with this questioned product. But environmentalists should not only oppose aerial spraying, but the very common use it has today. As an example, in Mexico has been detected presence of glyphosate in the urine of farmers who have used them for several years. It is used on a large scale in monocultures and especially transgenics.