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Meaning of con

Felipe Lorenzo del Río Image
Felipe Lorenzo del Río


Preposition that always works with nouns, pronouns or verbs or sentences with substantive function indicating the means or instrument of the action, (he hit it with the staff), the way, (he did it carefully), or another circumstance as company, (John did it with his brother). With infinitives or sentences introduced by QUE can be equivalent to a gerund or indicate condition, (with which you present yourself, it is enough to be accepted). It also has an arithmetic use with comma equivalence in numeric expressions with decimals, such as 5 with 5 or 5 comma 5, ( 5 , 5 ).


furoya Image

Preposition to the mode or element to be mentioned for a fact or action.


Anónimo Image

WITH: God worshipped by Peruvian Indians in pre-Columbian times.


What is the meaning of con in the Spanish open dictionary

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