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Dream of arena

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


It is an indicator of fragility in your convictions and in the intensity of achieving your goals. Depending on the color: White, need to persevere; black, anguish and frustration; red, nervous, and stress; yellow , strive to achieve the goal .


Sergio M Image
Sergio M

1 . Sand is usually a symbol of rest and purification, by combining the elements of earth (its matter) and water (its "shape" in the sense of adaptability). Sand, in any case, if it occurs in a place that is not pleasant indicates difficulties, lack of foresight, but they are not impossible problems, rather superficial, so it is advisable to introspect in order to solve them.


What is the meaning of arena in the Dreams open dictionary

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