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Meaning of trivium

Francisco Valdez Mendoza Image
Francisco Valdez Mendoza


Sust. MASC. 1. In the medieval schools, the three basic disciplines for eloquence: grammar, rhetoric and dialectic ( or logical ) they were the studies required to obtain Bachelor's degree as well as for preparation to philosophy and theology. Together with the scientific, of the 'quadrivium': arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy, comprising the seven liberal arts of the complete cycle of instruction. 2 Confluence or starting point of three tracks. 3. Previous rays of the echinoderms such as sea urchins, asterias ( 41 sea stars;.It comes from the Latin 'trivium', composed by derivation of the adjective numeral "three" and the feminine substantive «via»: via; in other words, three tracks.


What is the meaning of trivium in the English open dictionary

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