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Meaning of zanate

Francisco Javier Gómez Mandujano Image
Francisco Javier Gómez Mandujano


In Chiapas called tailed to the Raven. We also call tailed people who rather than bathe only miss water in the head, as does this bird into rivers. In Cuba the tailed are known as Totí. There is a charanga which says in his letter: " ...Blame it on the Totí. " This is a way to end a discussion in a friendly way.


JOHN Image

ZANATE quiscalus well defined already, I would like to add that it is an inedible bird, so in Colombia the expression 'do not spend gunpowder on zanates' is used (see DO NOT SPEND GUNPOWDER ON CHICKENS).


Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

They are usually black plumage birds. It is found in the Caribbean, Central America, and Colombia. They are called black tordos, savanna twisters, Caribbean tordos, clarinets, changas or quiscales. They belong to the genus Quiscalus and the family Icteridae.


What is the meaning of zanate in the Spanish open dictionary

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