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Meaning of xilofilia

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


It means appreciation for things made of wood, for wood or to a extent for the trees that produce the wood. To refer to the love for trees it is better to use the term dendrophilia.


furoya Image

Love for trees, for forests, also for wooden objects. It can range from a paraphilia with a wood fetish to an animal preference for making their nests inside logs. From Greek 958; 965; 955; 959; 957; (xylon "wood") 966; 953; 955; 953; 945; ( filia "love, affective inclination" ) . See ecosex, hylophilia.


What is the meaning of xilofilia in the Spanish open dictionary

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