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Meaning of xil

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


Name of a village in the province of Pntevedra in Spain. prefix derived from xyl, which in Greek means wood. Fictional Star Wars character. He was the son of Xer. He had several brothers named Xim, Xix and Xuc. Galician Singer and Composer whose full name is Jose Antonio Gil Rios: His stage name is Xil or Xil Ríos.


Liliana López Image
Liliana López

XIL village of Pontevedra , Spain . 2 . Singer-songwriter José Antonio Gil, known as XIL Ríos. 3 . According to the Star Wars play The Pirate Prince, written by Lyechusas, Xer was the king of Aldai. XIL was the son of Xer. His brother Xim kills him along with the rest of his brothers Xix, Xim and Xuc so he doesn't have to share Xer's wealth. He then also kills Xer and becomes king.


What is the meaning of xil in the Spanish open dictionary

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