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Meaning of quesadilla

feo Image


made with cheese ytortilla


Tito Ruiz Farias Image
Tito Ruiz Farias

There's a quesadilla in the flat Central and Western Venezuela which is quite deferential to the Mexican, soon seek the recipe and the youngster hereby hare.


Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez

In Colombia and specifically it is a type of bread that has cheese and guava sandwich. It can have round or square shape and has arepa appearance.


Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz Image
Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz

Quesadilla : ( s . F. ) Corn bread, stuffed with cheese and sugar, which can be fried in oil or baked.


Rutilio Lopez Image
Rutilio Lopez

Omelette with cheese


Iván García Image
Iván García

Tortilla folded in nahuatl.


Norma Vega Image
Norma Vega

two lids of white flour, cooked and filled with sweet made with wine grapes, sugar, flour, cemita or wheat and shell of Orange cooked too.


What is the meaning of quesadilla in the Spanish open dictionary

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