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Meaning of autofilia

furoya Image


In principle it is "love for oneself", which is interpreted as "self-love" and unlike philautia it has a rather negative connotation, of overvaluation. It belongs to the field of psychology, where it can also be interpreted as a paraphilia (which would be debatable as obsessive masturbation). It is made up of the Greek words 945; 965; 964; 959; 962; ( autos "to oneself" ) 966; 953; 955; 953; 945; ( philia "love, affective inclination" ) . Nop. 'Autophilia' is not the fondness for cars. https : //www . meaning of . org/lanoso . htmThat has the body covered with wool or hair. It is used especially when it has wool or hair in excess or curly like fleeces. See suffix -bear.


David Image

The meaning love for loneliness is not very concrete, as it goes out of its technical meaning. Self-philia is an excessive love for oneself.


Autor: Luis Älvarez Image
Autor: Luis Älvarez

Autofilia it is the sound of worship be in solitude with my


Manolo Gato Image
Manolo Gato

Term psiquiatria1.-( from the Greek auto, and phylein, love ). Favourable opinion which have themselves a number of psychopaths and, in particular, which are acosados.2-absence of self-criticism


Anahi Image

Love to be alone


Sergio Image

Self-sufficient physically and emotionally, love of solitude, tranquility and sense of peace.


Sergio Image

Autouficiente physical and emotionally, love of solitude, tranquility and sense of peace.


Naty Asuna Trafilaf Image
Naty Asuna Trafilaf

Feeling or sensation of wanting to be alone, for the pleasure of doing so and feel good in your own company


richard aponte Image
richard aponte

autofilia is incorrectly written and it should be written as " 34 loneliness love; being its meaning: 60; /br 62; love for solitude


Jimeno Álvarez Image
Jimeno Álvarez

( From the Greek auto, and phylein, love ) (Ball ). Favourable opinion which have themselves a number of psychopaths, and, in particular, those who are harassed.


What is the meaning of autofilia in the Spanish open dictionary

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