Bill Nixon
boricua 103
Boricua, the spelling is an incorrect spelling and is actually have been corrupted to Spanish. 1.Born in Borike makes you an islander called a Taíno who's people are: Boriku. Like in the United States called an America and makes a person an American. Spanishized [Boriche or Borique] the [ch = k] in the 15th & 16th [CH] was pronounced like a [K]. The French wrote Boriqve [qve] then 1502 maps Spanishized with "Boriqucui" Pronounce Borikui added an [ i ] on the end" without [qve] or [qucui] at the end there fore proper pronunciation is "Borike" and each have no at the end. The improper word of Boricua itself is an incorrect word since it has been Spanishized from its original [Borikuwa]. Boricua comes from the word [Boriqve] from the French as well. Spaniards changed it again for easy pronunciation from the French version adding at the end [cua] and removed [qve] to make it their own. The Boricua word is [Boriku wa]" it is well known the [Bo=The Lord, Great], [ri=people or spirit of man], [ku= adoration or a sacred place. This indicating the body where the sole resides. ] which indicates "People of the Lord". When adding [wa] at the end, it means [We] . The word [Borikuwa = "We are Boriku" and when we say it to each other means "We are relatives" Both the island name and the aboriginal names were intentionally Spanishized for easy pronunciation for the Spanish with obvious intent to eradicate the Arawak languages since there was at that time a war in transforming the aboriginals to Spanish and be able to understand how to serve them as slaves. This method against the island is being used today from Spanish to English by United States in order to prepare the island for statehood. A 50 to 100 year plan to remove a language from a country. It is a long process by incorporating the new language in the schools systems to the young and fading out the old languages as the elders were killed off or die off. Then came the name given to the children of the off-springs of the Spanish, most of them where from native young girls and blacks rape victims of black slaves and then their own Spanish descendants mix newborns whom in time adapted the name of Puertoriqueño or Puerto Rican as pride. Not realizing by lack of education the native name was remove and the name given to them was from a Port where the gold was stolen and their indigenous leader died as slaves. "Rich Port" in a mock to the indigenous people a Spanish tittle to themself of the enrichment and to show pride of the killing of slaves on the ports of the indigenous people's island. In the mean time making the Spanish, the Catholic Church and the Spainsh queen rich. So, the word [Borikuwa] is a greeting to a relative of brotherly affection to each other of the Taíno People of the island of Borike. [Not Boricua]. Used in Spain as well
"¡Mira Borikuwa! ¿Cómo estás Borikuwa?"
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