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Meaning of sostre

Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez Image
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez


Sostre in catalan means roof. It can also be considered synonymous with llar, which means in Spanish House, dwelling, shelter, home, home, home.


Sostre Image

Sisters in Norway


Anónimo Image

Of sostre doesn't appear much, however sastre has meaning in dictionaries. Although my words do not come from thorough research, I can tell you that surnames usually came from some legal family or the place in which the family lived. Over time a surname changes, letters are added or moved them one of them. Assuming this to be the case, sastre comes from latin and means " 34 scissors; Also we should add that some sites where it is believed that the family originated are: Wales of the United Kingdom, France, England, or Italy.


What is the meaning of sostre in the Catalan open dictionary

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