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English open dictionary

Welcome to the largest English educational and research project on the Internet. This open and editable dictionary aims to offer a tool where, on the one hand, users broaden knowledge about the different meanings that each of the words and expressions of English can adopt. And, on the other hand, give the same community the ability to expand the database with new words, unknown or unregistered, or expand the different meanings that can adopt the existing words. For identical words and according to which country of the world we move, it is very frequent to find completely different uses, that is why, once the official definition is mentioned, the dictionary allows users to expand it with new meanings or nuances. In short, a dictionary edited by users and for users. Daily among all the meanings uploaded by users will select one of them as word, expression or theme of the day. This meaning will appear on the home page just after this presentation for at least 24 hours. Finally, we have made the project extensible to words from other languages ??or disciplines, you can access these dictionaries through the drop-down that appears next to the search box and the operation is identical to the main dictionary. Hoping that the use of the dictionary is to his liking we say goodbye.

English Working Group

How has the dictionary evolved?

First of all, we want to thank all the collaborators for their help, since without them and them this project would not be possible. Since the ship sailed there in 2010 we have received a total of 1,515 Contributions to define 1,290 different words or expressions that have consulted more than 100,000 readers and have directly helped 12 people who asked the dictionary for a word that was not Registered therein.

Meaning of the day

Carlos Ortiz Image
Carlos Ortiz


A difficult task.

"Washing dishes by hand is cadendrum"


New Meanings collected in the dictionary

Bill Nixon Image
Bill Nixon


[ Conyo is actually: Coño =Cong-yo ], it is slang word of obscenities for , Shit, Twat and in Borike Spanish it is a form to say [ Outch! ], But this word carries a bad words in itself as: [ F**k ] when you hit yourself, or you get upset with someone. [ Coño Carajo! = F**king Hell ! or Shit Hell ] , [ Que Coño! = What The F**K ! or shit! ] It is a mixture of obscenities.

"¡Coño Carajo!, ¡Que Coño! ¡Coño Cabron!"

Bill Nixon Image
Bill Nixon


Boricua, the spelling is an incorrect spelling and is actually have been corrupted to Spanish. 1.Born in Borike makes you an islander called a Taíno who's people are: Boriku. Like in the United States called an America and makes a person an American. Spanishized [Boriche or Borique] the [ch = k] in the 15th & 16th [CH] was pronounced like a [K]. The French wrote Boriqve [qve] then 1502 maps Spanishized with "Boriqucui" Pronounce Borikui added an [ i ] on the end" without [qve] or [qucui] at the end there fore proper pronunciation is "Borike" and each have no at the end. The improper word of Boricua itself is an incorrect word since it has been Spanishized from its original [Borikuwa]. Boricua comes from the word [Boriqve] from the French as well. Spaniards changed it again for easy pronunciation from the French version adding at the end [cua] and removed [qve] to make it their own. The Boricua word is [Boriku wa]" it is well known the [Bo=The Lord, Great], [ri=people or spirit of man], [ku= adoration or a sacred place. This indicating the body where the sole resides. ] which indicates "People of the Lord". When adding [wa] at the end, it means [We] . The word [Borikuwa = "We are Boriku" and when we say it to each other means "We are relatives" Both the island name and the aboriginal names were intentionally Spanishized for easy pronunciation for the Spanish with obvious intent to eradicate the Arawak languages since there was at that time a war in transforming the aboriginals to Spanish and be able to understand how to serve them as slaves. This method against the island is being used today from Spanish to English by United States in order to prepare the island for statehood. A 50 to 100 year plan to remove a language from a country. It is a long process by incorporating the new language in the schools systems to the young and fading out the old languages as the elders were killed off or die off. Then came the name given to the children of the off-springs of the Spanish, most of them where from native young girls and blacks rape victims of black slaves and then their own Spanish descendants mix newborns whom in time adapted the name of Puertoriqueño or Puerto Rican as pride. Not realizing by lack of education the native name was remove and the name given to them was from a Port where the gold was stolen and their indigenous leader died as slaves. "Rich Port" in a mock to the indigenous people a Spanish tittle to themself of the enrichment and to show pride of the killing of slaves on the ports of the indigenous people's island. In the mean time making the Spanish, the Catholic Church and the Spainsh queen rich. So, the word [Borikuwa] is a greeting to a relative of brotherly affection to each other of the Taíno People of the island of Borike. [Not Boricua].
Used in Spain as well Used in Spain as well

"¡Mira Borikuwa! ¿Cómo estás Borikuwa?"

Meromero Guero Image
Meromero Guero

run into the road

Move quickly onto a public travel surface. Some synonyms, words or similar expressions can be run out into the road, jay walk

"The little girl was almost hit by a car when she decided to run into the road."

Cecilia Image


A nocturnal bird/flying creature.
Synonyms of owl are  bird feathery creature

"They hunt at night and at rats when they ar hungry and like in tree holes."


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More active partners...

Alfredo Edgardo Alvarez Ahumada    1
    Alfredo Edgardo Alvarez Ahumada
V.M. Hjor Ku Xoans    2
    V.M. Hjor Ku Xoans
Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez    4
    Danilo Enrique Noreña Benítez
Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz    5
    Jorge Luis Tovar Díaz
Felipe Lorenzo del Río    6
    Felipe Lorenzo del Río
Luis Aguilera Chacón    7
    Luis Aguilera Chacón
Ricardo López F.    8
    Ricardo López F.
Fernando R. Zazueta, San Jose, CA    9
    Fernando R. Zazueta, San Jose, CA
Chandrakant    10

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Most Valuable Meanings...

1conyoBill Nixon0
2boricuaBill Nixon0

Most viewed Meanings...

1boricuaBill Nixon42
2conyoBill Nixon15

User help requests

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Words or expressions pending to assign a Meaning

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What is the meaning of palabras in the English open dictionary

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